by 統一超商股份有限公司



OPEN POINT is a bonus point business issued by Uni-President Supermarket Co., Ltd. It is currently available in all stores in Taiwan. Payment, accumulation, and discount can be done at once!

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OPEN POINT為統一超商股份有限公司發行之紅利點數業務,目前全台門市皆可使用,支付、累點、折抵一次搞定!【合作通路】7-ELEVEN、康是美、家樂福、速邁樂加油站、21世紀生活館、Mister Donut甜甜圈、COLD STONE酷聖石冰淇淋、Semeur聖娜多堡....等。【點數介紹】會員於7-ELEVEN消費出示會員條碼、報手機號碼或使用icash2.0或OPEN錢包皆可輕鬆累積點數,點數可折抵消費或兌換超值商品。【功能介紹】1.累積-查詢最新點數優惠情報、累點通路及活動。2.兌換-優惠商品及合作通路優惠券兌換。3.查詢-消費獲得的OPEN POINT點數。4.綁定-常用icash2.0(聯名卡)綁定,使用更便利。5.支付-OPEN錢包、icash Pay及雲端開心卡支付超方便!6.服務-ibon 售票、列印、繳費、寄件、儲值、紅利、購物及生活服務。7.集點-小7集點卡,集點、兌點更EASY!8.發票-消費存發票,會員專屬對獎/通知領獎更貼心。9.團購-i划算,一人即享團購價。【支援規格】自此版本起,手機支援的規格調整如下:- Android系統5.0以上的版本請於上述建議使用環境下升級或安裝應用程式,否則可能導致APP無法使用OPEN POINT is a bonus point business issued by Uni-President Supermarket Co., Ltd. Currently, it can be used in all stores in Taiwan, and you can pay, accumulate points, and redeem at one time!【Cooperation channel】7-ELEVEN, Kang Shimei, Carrefour, Speedmail gas station, 21st Century Living Museum, Mister Donut doughnut, COLD STONE Cool Stone Ice Cream, Semeur St.【Point introduction】Members can easily accumulate points by showing their barcode, reporting their mobile phone number, or using icash2.0 or OPEN wallet at 7-ELEVEN.【Features】1. Accumulation - Inquire about the latest point discount information, accumulated point channels and activities.2. Redemption - Redemption of preferential products and cooperative channel coupons.3. Query - OPEN POINT points obtained by consumption.4. Binding - commonly used icash2.0 (co-branded card) binding, more convenient to use.5. Payment - OPEN wallet, icash Pay and cloud happy card payment are super convenient!6. Services - ibon ticketing, printing, payment, shipping, stored value, bonus, shopping and lifestyle services.7. Gathering Points - Small 7 Gathering Point Cards, collecting and redeeming points is more EASY!8. Invoices - save invoices for consumption, and it is more intimate for members to match awards/notify to receive awards.9. Group purchase-i is cost-effective, one person will enjoy the group purchase price.【Support Specifications】From this release, the specifications supported by the phone are adjusted as follows:- Android version 5.0 and abovePlease upgrade or install the app in the above recommended usage environment, otherwise the app may not be available-【行動隨時取】兌換流程優化。-此版本支援安卓5.0以上作業系統,請升級後安裝。 感謝您愛用OPEN POINT,我們會定期更新應用程式,期望提供更便利的服務及體驗,請立即下載最新版本!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Dross Offal Don't force update at will Don't send me dross messages frequently

Jen Yu Liu


Aaron Tsai


Aezza Villamor

i珍食 知道大概定位就好了 為什麼應用程式需要取得精確位置呢?還限制使用者不能手動輸入地址?可以不要這樣亂偷蒐集個資嗎?



Sephy Santos




110 110


Rowena Briones


Usın Chen

• 介面過度繁雜 • 沒有夜晚模式 • 沒有英文服務 • Widget 尺寸不可修改

Tan Xavier